Religious Education News

We welcome you and your family to continue or begin your journey of
faith with us! Please look for the links found above the slideshow
for the various activities within Religious Education.
The latest Religious Education news and updates are posted below:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mass with Bible Presentation: Sunday, October 28 at 5 p.m.

Instructions for the upcoming Mass with Presentation of Bibles:  Sunday, October 28 at 5 p.m. in church 

Sixth graders:
1.  Please pick up your name tag and name certificate from the table in the gathering space of church. 

2.  Please sit with your family in the reserved center pews. 

3.  After the homily, Father will call you forward.  As illustrated below, please stand facing the altar/cross at the foot of the sanctuary steps.  You will receive the bible and then Father will pray the blessing over you.  After the group blessing, you return to your pew.

4.  Your name certificate has an adhesive backing and is meant to be placed inside your bible on the name page.  (After receiving your bible, open your bible, remove the protective paper from your name certificate, and carefully aligning the certificate, press it in place in the inside cover of your bible).

For more information, please see the middle school class page.