Religious Education News

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

God bless our First Communion Children on this Happy and Holy day!

Welcome our 120 First Communion children to the Table of our Lord on the weekend of May 17 & 18.

Pictured:  Fr. James Conlon sprinkles the children and congregation with the waters of baptism on First Communion Sunday (Fifth Sunday of Easter).

For the grace-filled homily on this happy and holy day, click here!

Pictured:  The children receive their first communion with their families surrounding them.

Thank you especially to the parents, grandparents, and godparents for their support and participation in their children’s lives, guiding and bringing them to this day.

The children were asked why they wanted to receive Holy Communion.  Some of the responses are included below:

I believe that I am receiving the body and blood of Christ and will be closer to God. I want to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us. I want to receive Holy Communion because I love Jesus and he is my savior.

I want to know the love of Christ in my life. I want to become more like Jesus. I want to give thanks and share in the life of God. I want to be holy with God.

Pictured:  The Alvarez family enjoys the reception following First Communion last Saturday.

Thank you to Joan Desjarlais who coordinated the reception and to all those who provided treatsassisted with the reception, greeted and ushered for the Masses.

Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for providing the Sunday morning breakfast.

Pictured:  Fr. James Conlon teases, delights, and enlightens the children, families, and congregation participating in Mass this day.

Thank you to the catechists and school teachers, Jenni Alexander, Jack Bryan, Sandra Callahan, Michelle Corrunker, Carmela Cusumano, Catherine Farrell, Elizabeth Huff, Sylvia Otero, Matt Zawistowski, and Lisa Wehr who helped to prepare the children for this day.  

Pictured:  Sylvia and Anne help the children with the presentation of the gifts during first Communion. Thank you to those who assisted with the Masses and helped out at rehearsals and meetings.

Thank you to Sylvia Otero and Anne Stemmerich for the extra time and talent given to helping at the meetings, rehearsals, and Masses.

Thanks to Courtney Aymen and NuNu Lysloff for their work with the details accompanying the celebration.

Pictured:  Dcn. Rich Badics points out the children's banner squares in his homily.  "Be like Mary, Mother of God who is like a tabernacle for Jesus. and bring Christ to others," he explained.

Thank you for Fr. James Conlon, Fr. Bosco Padamattummal, Dcn. Rich Badics, Dcn. Patrick McDonald, Tom Kean, Carol Fedewa, Linda Opaleski, Julie Pritzel, Matt Schnaidt, and Paul Ward, and for all those who shared their gift of music, for all those who gave of themselves to provide for the liturgical roles, for those who ushered, and for all those who supported in word or deed the work that enabled this day’s celebration.

God bless you on this blessed day!--Ellen Ward, DRE

Are you interested in having your child prepare for the sacraments?  Deepen their relationship with God?  Explore and learn about our Catholic Faith?

Please watch the website and upcoming bulletins for enrollment in fall Religious Education classes!  Registrations are available in June for fall classes!  For questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at or call 734-821-2130.