Religious Education News

We welcome you and your family to continue or begin your journey of
faith with us! Please look for the links found above the slideshow
for the various activities within Religious Education.
The latest Religious Education news and updates are posted below:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Presenters in Varying Fields of Expertise Needed for VBS

We’re looking for some adults to present in their field of expertise one day during Vacation Bible School.    

We’re looking for presenters in the areas of 1) Health Care; 2) Cooking or Nutrition; 3) Firefighter, police, or public safety; 4) Veterinary or care of animals; and 5) Kinesiology or exercise.

Each presentation would last 20 minutes and repeat 5 times as different age groupings of children (preschool to 5th grade) rotate through the presentations.  Time commitment is one day during VBS week (Monday-Friday, July 23-27) from 9 a.m.-12 noon.

If you can lend us a hand with your time and sharing of your knowledge, please contact Ellen Ward at or 734-821-2132.  Thank you!