Religious Education News

We welcome you and your family to continue or begin your journey of
faith with us! Please look for the links found above the slideshow
for the various activities within Religious Education.
The latest Religious Education news and updates are posted below:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Children are Invited to Sing this Sunday, September 8 at the outdoor Mass!

Calling all children to sing this Sunday, September 8 at the 12:15 p.m. outdoor Mass!

"Trading my Sorrows"
Practice singing by hearing, "Trading my Sorrows."
"Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"
Practice singing by hearing, "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High."
"Shout to the Lord" 
Practice singing by hearing, "Shout to the Lord."

Children in grades 2-8 are invited to sing as part of the children's choir for the outdoor Mass this Sunday, September 8.  The Mass which precedes the picnic begins at 12:15 p.m.

Children desiring to sing are asked to arrive at 11:45 a.m. and meet Carol Fedewa near the big tent set outside on the lawn behind St. Francis school.  (The lawn between the parish offices and the rectory).

Sign up by showing up! 

The children will sing during Mass the following songs:  "Trading my Sorrows,"  "Lord, I lift your Name on High," and "Shout to the Lord."  Rehearsal and review of the songs will take place at 11:45 a.m.  (Practice singing the songs at home by clicking the links above).

All Nativity singers, VBS singers, other singers, and newcomers are welcome!  For information, please contact Carol Fedewa at or 734-821-2123 (or Ellen Ward at or 734-821-2132).

See you soon!