Religious Education News

We welcome you and your family to continue or begin your journey of
faith with us! Please look for the links found above the slideshow
for the various activities within Religious Education.
The latest Religious Education news and updates are posted below:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Religious Education Classes Start Sept. 23

Dear RE parents,

Welcome to a new year of formation in the Catholic Faith!  Religious Education classes begin this coming week. 

For families registered, please refer to the email sent earlier for your child's classroom assignment.

Start of Religious Education Information follows:

For the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Preschool program beginning this Sunday, Sept. 23: 
    Preschool classes begin at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 23 in the lower elementary wing of the school.  Please drop off and pick up your preschool child from the classroom.  Please sign up with the teacher to periodically bring the snack during the year.  At the end of class, please remain upstairs until the ending time of 11:45 a.m. so that your young child and their classmates do not become distracted by seeing you outside the door.

For the 10:20 A.M. Sunday Family A session beginning Sunday, Sept. 23 in the PAC:
    Please meet with your children in the Parish Activities Center (PAC) on Sunday, Sept. 23 following the 8:45 a.m. Mass.  Please help yourself to donuts and coffee.  The Family program begins in the PAC at 10:20 a.m.   The middle school youth (grades 6, 7, 8) will join in the PAC on Sept. 23 for the opening and then proceed to the music room (6 & 7 grades) or school library (8th grade). After the family session is concluded, the grade appropriate classroom sessions begin.  While your child is in the classroom, you are invited to the adult session in the music room, located at the end of the 2nd/3rd grade wing.  The session ends at 12:10 p.m.
For the 4:30 P.M. MONDAY classes beginning Sept. 24:  A GATHERING in the PAC 
For the 6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY classes beginning Sept. 2:  A GATHERING in the PAC
    For the first Religious Education class, parents please meet with your child(ren) in the Parish Activities Center (PAC) for Monday and Wednesday classes.  We’ll begin the year in prayer and friendship, hand out your child’s class schedule, introduce events in the program, and provide you an opportunity to meet your child’s catechist.  After the gathering, children will begin their lessons in their classroom until the end of the session time.  Monday classes begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 5:45 p.m.  Wednesday classes begin at 6:30 p.m. and end at 7:45 p.m.

For the 10:20 A.M. Sunday Family B session beginning Sunday, Sept. 30 in the PAC:
        Please meet with your children in the Parish Activities Center (PAC) on Sunday, Sept. 30 following the 8:45 a.m. Mass.  Please help yourself to donuts and coffee.  The Family program begins in the PAC at 10:20 a.m.   The middle school youth (grades 6, 7, 8) will join in the PAC on Sept. 30 for the opening and then proceed to the music room (6 & 7 grades) or school library (8th grade). After the family session is concluded, the grade appropriate classroom sessions begin.  While your child is in the classroom, you are invited to the adult session in the music room, located at the end of the 2nd/3rd grade wing.  The session ends at 12:10 p.m.
    We look forward to working with you and your children during the coming year.  Please feel free to reply to Courtney Aymen, Secretary at or 821-2130 or myself at or 821-2132 for questions or more information.  See you soon!

God bless you!
Ellen Ward, DRE
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
2150 Frieze Ave
Ann Arbor, MI   48104