Religious Education News

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faith with us! Please look for the links found above the slideshow
for the various activities within Religious Education.
The latest Religious Education news and updates are posted below:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Important Family Session A & B Information

Dear Family RE Session A & B parents,

A few notes and reminders:

1. We meet on February 8 for a combined A & B session.  As we normally do, families with children in grades preK-5 meet in the PAC and middle school youth in grades 6-7 meet in the music room with the 8th grade meeting in their normally scheduled rooms 7B & 8B. 

(The 8th grade Spirit Session meets in the PAC from 2 p.m.--3 p.m. and is the alternative to the morning Confirmation class.  The rescheduled Confirmation meeting will take place this evening, February 4 as originally scheduled, and this Sunday, February 8 at 3 p.m. in the PAC).
The adult session led by Billy Kangas, author and writer for Patheos, meets in the school music room at 11:20 a.m.  All adults are welcome.

2. Session A students generally meet in classrooms ending with A and Session B students generally meet in classrooms ending with B.  At 11:15 a.m. children proceed to their regularly assigned classrooms with three exceptions.

Three exceptions: 
1)  Sunday A grade K students who normally meet in the ESP room will meet in room 2A for Sunday, February 8 only.

2)  Sunday A & B preschool students will combine and all meet in the preschool room.

3) Sunday B grade 7 students who normally meet in the school library will meet in room 8A (located upstairs in the middle school, the elevator will be available for those unable to walk the chairs) for Sunday, February 8 only.  (Sunday A grade 2 continues to meet in the school library on Sunday, February 8).
BTW:   Don't forget, at our last Family RE session, the children in grades PreK-5, were asked to design a poster advertising, promoting, or encouraging others to know, experience, or follow Jesus, or the Faith, or God. (If youth in grades 6-8 also have posters, hand them in to me in the PAC).

Please encourage your child to complete this project and bring their finished work back on Sunday. Posters can be handed into to Ellen Ward in the PAC when you arrive.  We look forward to seeing you.

God bless you and keep you safe and warm!