Congratulations to the 123 children who joined with us for the first time in the Holy Eucharist last May 5 & 6!
Thank you especially to the parents for their support and participation in their children’s lives, guiding and bringing them to this day.
Thank you to the catechists and school teachers, Jenni Alexander, Christine Bruxvoort, Jack Bryan, Michelle Corrunker, Victoria Emch, Catherine Farrell, Myra Hufnagel, Kim Kratzer, Sylvia Otero, Matt Zawistowski, Barbara Zimdars, and Dana Zugay who helped to prepare the children for this day. Thank you to those who assisted with the Masses and helped out at rehearsals and meetings.
Thanks to those who provided treats, assisted with the reception, greeted and ushered for the Masses. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for providing the Sunday morning breakfast.
Thank you to Sylvia Otero and Anne Stemmerich for the extra time and talent given to helping at the meetings, rehearsals, and Masses.
Thanks to Courtney Aymen for their work with the details accompanying the celebration.
Thanks too for Fr. Jim McDougall, Fr. Bosco Padamattummal, Dcn. Rich Badics, Tom Kean, Carol Fedewa, Linda Opaleski, Matt Schnaidt, and Paul Ward, and for all those who shared their gift of music, for all those who gave of themselves to provide for the liturgical roles, for those who ushered, and for all those who supported in word or deed the work that enabled this day’s celebration.
Congratulations to the 106 youth confirmed with the Holy Spirit by Bishop Earl Boyea last April 22!
Thank you especially to the sponsors and parents for your support and participation in sharing your faith and guiding the youth towards this day.
Thank you to those parishioners who prayed for each of the candidates, sending them a card of encouragement and support.
Thank you to the catechists who helped prepare and interview the candidates: Cynthia D’Agostino, Karin Deam-Mengozzi, Kevin McKay, Fr. Bosco Padamattummal, Jan Robb, Roxanne St. Pierre, Liz Schummer, Anne Stemmerich, Maureen Ybarra, Ray Yerkes, and Brian Wyzlic. Thank you to those who assisted with the Masses and helped out at the meetings, service projects, interviews, and rehearsal, especially Victoria Emch, Carol Fedewa, Denise Fisher, and Carol McGarvey. Thank you to the parents who helped chaperone the retreats.
Special thanks to Jan Robb and Anne Stemmerich for their work with projects including the retreats, meetings, interviews, teaching, the Presentation Mass, and the coordination of the reception following the Confirmation Mass.
Thanks to Courtney Aymen and NuNu Lysloff for their work in all the details accompanying the preparation process.
Thanks to Anne Stemmerich, Victoria Emch, Catherine Farrell, and the parents and the 7th grade youth volunteers who worked the reception and to all those who donated food.
Thanks also for Bishop Earl Boyea, Fr. Jim McDougall, Dcn. Rich Badics, Carol Fedewa (and the Sunday 5 p.m. Mass Group), Jim Russo, Matt Schnaidt, Paul Ward and for all those who participated as ushers or liturgical ministers in the Mass, and for all who helped towards providing for the day’s Celebration.