We have been working to offer our catechist formation classes on-line. We are pleased to announce the availability of Catechist Formation Topic #12: Liturgy & Worship online.
Pre-Registration for the course is required. Please register for the on-line course using the form below or by clicking here!
The on-line class opens Sunday, March 3 and runs through April 14. An instructional email with the link for the course will be sent to those pre-registered the week of Feb. 24.
Catechist formation topics cover 22 basic areas of our Faith and offer teaching methods for passing on the Faith to children and youth. Participation in catechist formation sessions lead to diocesan catechist certification. All interested individuals are welcome to sign up for the on-line course.
For questions or help in registering, please contact Ellen Ward at ward@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2132.