WHO? For children in grades K-5! Middle School & High School youth are invited to sing in the choir and if desired to help out with the younger children!
WHEN? First Rehearsal is Thursday, January 30 at 6:15 p.m.
WHERE? Meet in the Choir room to practice. The choir room is located downstairs in church.
HOW? Sign up by showing up for practice! Contact us if you are unable to make the first practice because we hope to sing many Sundays for Mass!
WHY? To Give Glory to God!
Kelly Hernandez has a degree in music education, specializing in vocal development, and she has experience working with choirs and children in grades K-12! Carol Fedewa has her masters in Sacred Music, and is experienced in piano, organ, and choirs!
Questions? Please contact Carol Fedewa at cfedewa@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2123 or Kelly Hernandez at khernandez731@gmail.com or 734-904-3946.
Come learn, develop, and share the gift of song that the Lord has given you!