Preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (also called Confession or Penance) is normally celebrated in the second grade prior to First Communion. Preparation for the Sacrament consists of participation at the scheduled parent and child preparation meetings and educational material to be studied during classroom times. For children older than second grade, please request the preparation textbook at the meeting. Preparation meetings are designed for both parent and child. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Saturdays, December 7 and December 14.
The first parent and child meeting is scheduled for: (Please plan on attending one of these meetings with your child).
Sunday, October 6 at 3 p.m. or Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Activities Center (PAC)
Please contact Ellen Ward at 734-821-2132 or if you are unable to attend the preparation meeting. (Sibling are welcome at the meetings). For your planning, the second and concluding parent and child meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 10 at 3 p.m. or Wednesday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the PAC. I look forward to working with you and your children as they prepare to receive this Sacrament rich in God’s mercy.
Mass with 6th grade Bible Presentation:
Sunday, October 27 at 5 p.m.
Traditionally, St. Francis Parish provides bibles to the sixth grade students enrolled in the School or Religious Education classes. The bibles are presented to the students during Mass with a special blessing.
This year’s bible presentation and blessing for sixth graders will take place at the parish Mass on:
Sunday, October 27 at 5 p.m.
Sixth grade parents: Please set aside this time, so that your student may receive the bible and blessing. Family friends, siblings, and relatives are invited to attend! For more information, please contact Ellen Ward at or call 734-821-2132.
A Social of Pizza, Salad, and Pop (hosted by the middle school youth group) follows the Bible Mass in the Parish Activities Center (PAC). After the 5 p.m. Sunday, October 27 Mass, all 6th graders and their families are invited to the Parish Activities Center (PAC) for a social of pizza, salad, dessert and pop. A donation of $5/person ($20/family) at the door is appreciated.
Help us plan! For the social, please RSVP Courtney Aymen at or call 734-821-2130 with number of family members attending.