2013 Theme: Year of Faith with St. Paul's Missionary Travels supported with resources from Group's VBS Athens & Pauline's St. Paul Adventure and Comic books
Our 2013 Stats
260 delightful PreK-5 children
15 nursery children (very cute toddlers & adorable babies)
76 middle school helpers (grades 6-8)
59 high school volunteers (grades 9-12)
53 Adult volunteers
Thank you to all those who participated in this year's VBS either through mighty deeds of wonder, generous kind words of encouragement, or by simply sharing the joy of your attendance! We are grateful for all of you! God bless your summer with overflowing abundance of God's Love!
Click on the picture to see more photos from the week!
Questions? Contact Ellen Ward at ward@stfrancisa2.org or call 734-821-2132.